Menssagem de erro

  • Notice: Undefined variable: header_top_right_grid_class em include() (linha 28 de /drupal7/sites/
  • Notice: Undefined variable: main_grid_class em include() (linha 193 de /drupal7/sites/
  • Notice: Undefined variable: sidebar_second_grid_class em include() (linha 241 de /drupal7/sites/
  • Notice: Undefined variable: footer_top_regions em include() (linha 283 de /drupal7/sites/
  • Notice: Undefined variable: footer_top_left_grid_class em include() (linha 291 de /drupal7/sites/
  • Notice: Undefined variable: footer_top_right_grid_class em include() (linha 303 de /drupal7/sites/
  • User warning: The following theme has moved within the file system: cienciaaberta. In order to fix this, clear caches or put the theme back in its original location. For more information, see the documentation page. in _drupal_trigger_error_with_delayed_logging() (line 1156 of /drupal7/drupal/includes/
  • User warning: The following theme has moved within the file system: corporateclean. In order to fix this, clear caches or put the theme back in its original location. For more information, see the documentation page. in _drupal_trigger_error_with_delayed_logging() (line 1156 of /drupal7/drupal/includes/
  • User warning: The following module is missing from the file system: libraries. For information about how to fix this, see the documentation page. in _drupal_trigger_error_with_delayed_logging() (line 1156 of /drupal7/drupal/includes/
  • User warning: The following theme has moved within the file system: metro_zymphonies_theme. In order to fix this, clear caches or put the theme back in its original location. For more information, see the documentation page. in _drupal_trigger_error_with_delayed_logging() (line 1156 of /drupal7/drupal/includes/

SiMCiTI - votação na câmara

O Projeto de Lei que institui o SiMCiTI - Sistema Municipal de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação de Ubatuba - foi incluído na pauta da sessão ordinária da Câmara Municipal para esta terça-feira, 06/12. A Minuta do PL compilada após a consulta pública via internet está disponível para acesso (em PDF) aqui.
